Moving Out


Mrs. Brown

3-day-ers have a real sense of themselves. They don’t feel little any more – or at least, they only feel little when it suits them! Their powers of concentration seem like super-powers when parents compare them to their 2-year-old selves, and their drawings and writings have a structure and a rhythm that are new and exciting. “Potato people,” sometimes even with eyelashes and fingers, dominate the 3-year-old’s artistic repertoire, because these are children who are exploring the new and blinding realization that the world is full of interesting people – not just their families, but other children and adults who say and do stuff! They’re moving out into the big world, step by step, and the 3-day teaching staff is ready to help.

3-day-ers work on advancing pre-reading and pre-math skills:

  • shape recognition
  • basic patterns
  • left-to-right progression
  • sequencing
  • following multi-step instructions in completing projects
  • creating more advanced artwork

…and lots more!

They participate in music and movement, library, and chapel, and attend a field trip in the spring. The class works on larger projects together to learn about cooperation, turn-taking, sharing, and the sense of accomplishment that comes from completion of a challenging task.



Mrs. Brown, our wonderful and loving 3-day teacher, knows just how to make her children feel comfortable yet challenged, silly and serious by turns. She creates projects and activities for the 3-day-ers that stretch their imaginations and abilities and give them a lot to be proud of at the end of each day!

Program days and times: Monday to Thursday, 9:00-11:45 a.m. Afternoon session (12:15-3:00 p.m.) may be offered if there is interest.

Program eligibility: The 3-year-olds’ class is open to children aged 3 by September 1 of the school year for which they are registering. Children must be toilet trained. The age eligibility requirement is not flexible, because it is based on kindergarten eligibility.

Adult:child ratio: Never to exceed 1:6, and held to 1:5 except for special circumstances (for instance, a set of twins). Class size will generally be held to 10 children with a teacher and an aide, and will never exceed 12 children (that is, we will never add a second aide in order to add more children); the decision whether to add an eleventh child will be made with care at the Director’s discretion, based on the personalities and abilities of children already registered or enrolled.